LibreNMS Agent Configuration
Adding a New Node to LibreNMS
Both the eNodeB and the EPC must be configured individually in order for them to report statistics to the SNMP Manager. Since the eNodeB is not directly accessible from the management VPN, we configure an SNMP proxy on the EPC to pass SNMP statistics to the Management host.
EPC SNMP Configuration
Install snmpd to the EPC node:
$ sudo apt install snmpd
Modify /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf:
sysLocation <SITE NAME STRING>
sysServices 72
master agentx
agentAddress udp:161
com2sec readonly <SNMP Manager IP Address> <SNMP COMMUNITY STRING>
com2sec -Cn ctx_baicells readonly <SNMP Manager IP Address> enodeb
group readonlygroup v2c readonly
view all included .1
access readonlygroup "" v2c noauth exact all none none
access readonlygroup ctx_baicells v2c noauth prefix all none none
proxy -Cn ctx_baicells -v 2c -c private .1.3
This configuration allows us to access SNMP data on the EPC with the standard community string (refer to internal standards documentation). but will proxy the Baicells SNMP data when we send the community string ‘enodeb’
- Update the snmpd service file to automatically restart snmpd on crash:
- Edit /lib/systemd/system/snmpd.service, modify the 'ExecStart' line, and add the 'ExecReload', 'Restart', and 'RestartSec' lines:
Description=Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Daemon.
ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /var/run/agentx
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/snmpd -LO2w -u Debian-snmp -g Debian-snmp -I -smux,mteTrigger,mteTriggerConf -f -p /run/
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
- Enable and restart snmpd:
Sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable snmpd
sudo systemctl restart snmpd
Baicells SNMP configuration
Log into the Baicells configuration console:
https://<Baicells IP Address>
From the left menu, select System
Select SNMP
- Under ‘SNMP Switch,’ select ‘Enable’
- Configure the following options:
- Community String: private
- Contact:
- Location: \<SITE NAME STRING> (String should not have any spaces)
- Source: Any
Adding the Node to LibreNMS
If the EPC is running, librenms should be able to auto-discover it. Run this command from a shell on the management host:
sudo -u librenms lnms scan
LibreNMS should print a status message that it was able to add a new device.
When first discovered, the EPC will show up generically as it’s ip address. Edit the hostname, but clicking ‘Edit Device’ (gear icon):
- Click the red pencil icon, and change the ip address to the hostname
Fill ‘Overwrite IP’ with the EPC IP address
- Note: If the IP is not changed to the hostname, you will not be able to add the eNodeB by it’s IP address
- Note: If the IP is not changed to the hostname, you will not be able to add the eNodeB by it’s IP address
The Baicells eNB needs to be added manually: From LibreNMS, select Devices and click “Add Device”
Add a new device, with the following configurations:
- Hostname:
- Community: ‘enodeb’
Force Add: On
Note: If you receive an error message stating that a device with the specified IP already exists, make sure that you have successfully changed the eNodeB’s hostname per the previous step.
Once the device is added, click the ‘Edit Device’ icon (gear icon) and update the following values:
- Display name: \<eNB Cell Name>
- Overwrite device contact:
Other helpful notes:
How to SSH into Baicells eNB:
- SSH using port 27149 (username same as normal web-based login)
- Convert the MAC address of this eNB to link local address: